The Malthus family adventure

Thursday, September 28, 2006

PG Hash House Harriers

Hashers spread out in all directions looking for trail. The locals were impressed that we NZers had matching team reflective vests with our names on them.
The trail was marked with yellow ribbons tied around branches (no oak trees!) and checks were yellow squares of plastic. False trails were when the ribbons were no more.

How can she find trail if she always covers her eyes? As it was bear inhabited virgin territory, Mum had to run with the runners while Dad walked with the girls.

The trail led us through the Otway cross-country ski trails. Lovely narrow undulating paths through pines, firs, birch, spruce and aspens in their autumn colours. No bears or moose - too many people calling "On on" or "checking".
Beer, wine, nibbles and pizza back at the X-country ski club log cabin. No fines or speeches - just a few drinks, chats and off home.
We are going to set an NZ down-under run at the end of October.


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