The Malthus family adventure

Monday, November 06, 2006


Snow started falling on the 25th October and has been falling off and on since. The temperature has stayed below zero for most of the time and we've even had sprinkles of frozen moisture - tiny bits of frost, not snow. Light snowfall is called a flurry.

There is now about 30cm, 1 ft, of powder snow everywhere.
Each day I shovel away the snow off the driveway and each day more arrives. The thin layer of snow that is not fully cleared freezes over, even during the day, so the driveway is constantly slippery. In fact, the compacted snow is less slippery than the ice. The main roads and steep roads are cleared but as our road is flat it is left as it is. Therefore we don't get the dirty look of the other cleared and gritted roads.

This was our view on the first day of snow. Because all of our windows are double-glazed, we don't need or have curtains (only venetian blinds) so we can view the scenery all day

and all night.
One beauty of the snow is that it absorbs the road noise of vehicles driving past. Everything seems so much quieter!

I probably should remove the snow off the patio and furniture but we all like to sit inside and look out at it. It makes you appreciate the warmth inside.

Of course the girls are out playing in it as much as they can - until they get too cold!


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