The Malthus family adventure

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Still Snowing

Most days of the week we get more snow. The poor resident squirrel has to scurry across the surface of the snow to check his human food supply.

The temperature dropped to a minimum (so far) of -32C! (hopefully it stays the minimum). We had to go for a walk at that temperature to really experience this Canadian cold. 15 minutes was enough!

We walked up to the local tennis courts which are now the local ice hockey rinks. We were well dressed but in taking off my glove to click photographs, my fingers could not warm back up again to tie the laces on the skates. Sue had driven, of course, so we cancelled skating, hopped in the car and returned to our warm home.

When the temperature was below -25C I would drive Sue to work then return home to drive the girls to school. We would still walk home together as it was a warm -20C by mid afternoon.

Down town is pretty with all the Christmas lights coming on and the snow drifting down.

There are outdoor skating rinks but we found that it was too cold to skate around so we joined the sensible locals and went to the indoor rink instead.

You still have to take Trixie out for her walks and lamp posts so you must ensure that she is
dressed for the cold and suitably attired.


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