The Malthus family adventure

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Walk In Our Forest

We all went for a walk along the track adjacent to our house. It borders the houses on the ridge and the forest between them and the city.
A view over the forest towards down-town.
There are gravel roads through the forest with various tracks and trails connecting them.

Several tracks have mountain bike trails along them. They are challenge enough to just walk along, let alone ride a bike on. They are made from logs and usually down steep hills.

Libby cautiously walked up a ramp but was surprised to find that as soon as she stepped past halfway the whole ramp rotated downwards.
Every log is a challenge to the girls.
Nothing scares them!
Sue declined the challenge - she kept an eye-out for our local wildlife.
There he is. The local black bear that lives in the forest around our houses on the ridge. We think he is about two years old. Being autumn, the bears are eating as much as they can and move in close to civilization to feed off our fruit trees and any food rubbish that people do not keep shut away. We have to keep our rubbish bins in the garage. No food in the compost.


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