The Malthus family adventure

Friday, November 10, 2006

Our Hash Run

After hashing with the local hashers we offered to set a New Zealand hash run. I made a dribble dropper, surveyed the route, planned my trail and guess what? It snowed. So much for blobs of flour to mark the trail. I had to resort to the Canadian method of tying coloured tape to the trees.
As it was such a slow process cutting and tying tape and running/walking in the snow I laid the walkers trail the night before and the runners trail in the morning. At 11am about 30 keen hashers appeared. Luckily the weather was perfect and everyone was prepared for a good cross-country hike!

They were a little puzzled with my check-backs and false trails but they all managed to find the PS for refreshments except the walkers that left with the runners but then headed home when they felt they were venturing too far from home.

Standard NZ BBQ food was served from the balcony while the hashers stayed inside for the warmth.


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