The Malthus family adventure

Friday, December 08, 2006

Snow Blower

Virtually every morning I shovel snow off the driveway - good exercise when you can't go out for a run. However, with snow falling steadily all night, I had to get out the snow blower!

And where do the girls stand?

Where the snow falls.

They weren't allowed to look at the blower in case a small stone or chip is picked up and ejected out.

Katie might really lose her head!

Snow blowers do make life easier, and as both neighbours opposite don't have one, I went across the road and cleared theirs as well. I had helped push their car up their small driveway recently so more snow was the last thing they needed.

Of course I leave the road to the big guys. The huge pile they left at the corner of the road and driveway made an excellent mound to dig a snow cave.


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