The Malthus family adventure

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


We had 40cm of snow over the weekend so the snow piles are getting bigger and bigger. I keep the driveway clear but the council have virtually given up with our road - at least it's flat.

The snow by the lamp post has become the girls second home. I had to cut a path to it and then I seemed to be the one that did most of the digging. I keep an eye on them when they are playing there - I'm sure it's safe but best to be aware.

It 's very cosy inside. There is a small seat on either side of the room but no windows, only a door. It is, though, one of the few igloos with external street lighting.

This is our view out the back sliding door to the veranda. That's the table on the left showing the depth of snow.

The veranda, the back yard and even the BBQ are coated in snow. The small prints in the snow are Hammeys, he's still keen to look for food. He comes right over by the glass door to where the snow is the thinnest and then burrows under the snow in search of peanuts and other human scrap food.

The Nechako River slowly freezing over. You can see small ice bergs breaking off in the foreground and blobs of snow/ice floating down the river. We were swimming in there only a few months ago!


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