The Malthus family adventure

Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas Tree Hunting

Every year Pat and John invite friends around to explore across their land and hunt for the ideal tree to cut down and take home and then erect as the Christmas tree in the living room.

Snow shoes, cross country skis or just plain slogging through the thick snow will do. All eyes are keep looking for the perfectly shaped, coloured, textured tree.

The hardy lumberjacks in the party are then sent in to fell the poor tree.
Yeah Dad, that is the best one. Now lets see you ski back with that over your shoulder.

He then has to carry it back to the car. I do sleep all night and work all day and go shopping on Wednesdays, but I don't have buttered scones for tea.

Instead we had hot stew and beer and a few more pleasures while the kids watched videos down in the basement. (All Canadian houses seem to have a basement to send kids down to, to watch videos!)


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