The Malthus family adventure

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Barkerville in Winter

Libby has loved dogs for years and when we said we were going to Canada for a year she was thrilled at thought of being able to see and touch Husky dogs.

These are Eskimo Huskies (they were named that before Eskimos were renamed Inuits so the name remains). The owner has unfortunately hurt his back so he could not take the dogs out for a run - his son was coming up for Xmas so that would be left to him.
We feed the dogs and had a quick play with them. They were so keen to go out for a run they couldn't stop barking (although their bark is more of a croak than a woof!). He showed us how the sled glides and brakes and how the dogs are harnessed to pull it.
Barkerville in early winter. All very pretty to us but it must have been freezing cold and hard work in the 1860's when heating, clothing and the access to food was not as good.

Of course the women wore more sexy undergarments in those days. Sue just can't find what she needs these days.

Barkerville is closed for winter but they open it for one long weekend before Xmas. Normally the schools would be closed for Xmas/New Year by now but this year with Xmas on Monday they haven't. Therefore, we had the place virtually to ourselves. It made it appear even more like a ghost town!

Being nearly the shortest day in the year, we could watch a beautiful sunset in the late afternoon.


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