The Malthus family adventure

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Wells is a small village, next to Barkerville, where we stayed the first nights of our holiday/return journey to NZ. We wanted to hire cross country skis for the girls but the only place that had them was the school. The local school, with 12 students, was the only place of action and any obvious activity. They said we were welcome to borrow them - just come and talk with us for awhile and tell us about your country.
So we did.

First we played with the kids, sliding down their snow hill, then we went skiing across the meadows. Later we skated on the school rink, visited the only shop and dined at the only restaurant.

Continuing south we returned to Hills Health Ranch where we'd had Sue's family reunion earlier in August.

As a surprise for the girls (mainly Libby), we had booked a Husky dog sled ride for each of them. The dogs are so keen to run that they have to tie the sled to the front of the truck while they harness each dog on to the sled.

As soon as the sled is released the dogs are off! One senior leader and three pairs in a team. They jog along quite happily scooping snow to drink and urinating on trees as they run. We ran over a tree stump once and Libby and Sue tipped out once on a sudden side incline.

We sat on the sled supporting the girls between our knees and the guide stood on the back of the sled and commanded the dogs. Unfortunately, Libby's dogs were more interested in just running fast in the straightest line possible so her team headed off straight into the forest, ignoring the commands to turn right onto the circular trail!

Eventually, when the reached an open area, the guide had to lasso a passing tree, tie the back of the sled to it, walk up to the leader dog and pull her and the whole team around like the hands on a clock until they faced back the way they'd come and then quickly release the sled and race home. They got their moneys worth!


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