The Malthus family adventure

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Abbotsford for Christmas

We arrived in Abbotsford just before Christmas. We had sold to the girls the beauty of moving to Canada for a year would be in having a white Christmas but even though Vancouver had had snow on and off for weeks, the forecast for Christmas day was warm rain! Therefore, these photos at Judy's and Tim's were taken on Christmas Eve.

The girls enjoyed "horsing around" in the barn, helping Judy tend the horses, walk the dogs and generally enjoy doing things outside in temperatures above zero.

Fondues became a race to be in first followed by a fight for survival of your piece of bread on the prongs of your fondue stick.

Christmas dinner with Tim's brother-in-law Jim, a fellow New Zealander. Unfortunastely, (an apt spelling mistake), Tim's sister and family were terribly ill with a nasty bug so they couldn't make it to dinner. The next few days the bug went around everyone except Katie and Steve. It was the only time we were ill on our entire adventure!

Christmas day and Boxing day were in good health so we all had a wonderful time opening presents, eating too much, drinking and hot tubbing.

Libby found a kindred spirit. There are more similarities than can be mentioned.


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