The Malthus family adventure

Friday, February 09, 2007

Around Vancouver

Judy took us across the border to the US to go skiing at Mt Baker. However, the weather closed in and we met lots of cars driving down from the ski field, so we abandoned that idea and just went for a walk to the Nooksack Falls.

They are by an old hydro dam still working.

We caught the sky train into downtown Vancouver. They are fully computer automated so there is no driver at the front except for Sue and the girls. Why she is steering the train to the right when we approach a station, I don't know?

At the aquarium we saw a vast array of sea creatures including a Beluga whale from the Arctic.

This one has been in captivity for a while now I think.
It was fascinating to watch the various sea creatures swim around underwater.

This is Katie inside a dome looking at frogs from inside their tank.


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