The Malthus family adventure

Monday, February 12, 2007

Last Night in Canada

For our last night in Canada, we all went to Grouse Mountain for the evening. Katie had spent all afternoon there with Judy, Ann, Dave and Chris. We joined them at 5pm for a few hours of night skiing.

Grouse Mountain is adjacent to Vancouver city and looks out over the city and the setting sun.

It's accessed by two gondolas which stop at a restaurant/bar adjacent to the fields.
Katie and Libby have now become quite confident and independent in their skiing. We'll have to buy them ski gear back in NZ!

Poor Sue with her sore knee declined the skiing and stayed in the cafe with Ann and Dave and enjoyed the pre-dinner drinks with the view over Vancouver.

Meanwhile, back at home, Tim cooked a sumptuous last supper for us all to enjoy. Our last night together with Sue's sisters for a few years I guess!

And I shouldn't forget Anubis and Rani
- we probably won't see them for a while either.


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