The Malthus family adventure

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Last days in Prince George

A selection of photographs taken over the last few days of our adventure in Prince George, Canada.

The girls found it easier to carry their school books by sled than on than their backs. Samara on the left was Libby's best friend during her last weeks at school.

Our neighbours, Alice and Bob, took us out for dinner to one of the local Pizza restaurants. This allowed us to clean the kitchen without messing it up again with cooking.

The pile of snow at the end of our driveway created by the road snow plough got bigger and bigger.
It became our own ski hill to slide down.

I'm standing on top of the snow pile. Underneath is where we dug out the snow cave/igloo - Nicole is standing at the entrance.

Our last sunset in Prince George (at about 4 pm) before we headed off to the Otway Ski club Xmas/Santa evening and a lovely farewell dinner with Bruce and his family.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Otway Xmas Ski

Steve learning to skate ski using modern skating skis and boots. Bruce gave me private lessons so I could skate from A to B but I'd never make it to the Vancouver Winter Olympics, unless I join the Jamaican cross country ski team.

At night they had a family ski run to Santa's log cabin in the forest. The trail followed the floodlight lit trails into the forest.

Then beyond the lights the trail was marked by burning candles on the end of sticks. They provided just enough light to see where the trail led.

Bruce, seen here with the family, was our ever present guide and instructor for the evening of our last night in Prince George.

Inside the log cabin was Father Christmas giving out small treats to the young ones. Meanwhile the adults drank warm cider outside.

Xmas Hash

A pre-Christmas hash run organised for mid day running around the University area. Notice the spray can in the arms of the hare.

You can't miss seeing them - they are several times bigger than me. They do say that they are more dangerous than bears. Unfortunately they don't hibernate in winter.

Notice the hasher on the left sliding on the ice under the snow. It's a hazard to be kept in mind!

We had to find small blobs of spray painted snow. The only problem was that it had snowed since the trail was laid so we had to see coloured snow under about 1cm of fresh powder snow!

We finally reached our destination and were rewarded with a glass of mulled wine.