The Malthus family adventure

Friday, February 16, 2007

Last days of the Malthus Adventure

We achieved our goal of riding on all the different forms of public transport in San Francisco - cable car, street car, trolley bus and subway/overhead train (Bart). I only got told off once, jumping onto a moving cable car like they do in the movies! We also drove down Lombard Street, the crookedest street in the world, and a ferry to Alcatraz.

The Palace of Fine Arts and Exploratorium kept us amused for hours. Sue declined to crawl, climb and slide through the total darkness labyrinth of the Tactile Dome. I couldn't help but think that so many of the 100's of hands-on activities in the science area would be so useful in schools.

Libby has grown so much with the rich North American diet and lifestyle!

Whereas Katie now has aspirations of becoming a space astronaut.

And walking on the moon.

Our last meal in North America with the Somerville family, from the left - Fiona, Jamie, Katie, David, Sue, Joyce, David's mum Sue, Libby and Katie.

Flying Air New Zealand on our way home. Every one has their headsets on, chosen their movie to watch, have a pre-dinner drink and are excited at being almost home.

We have had a wonderful adventure, enjoyed our stay in Canada and have gained immensely from our experience both as a family and as individuals.
We hope you have also enjoyed viewing our adventure.


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